After-school and Summer Programs

The efficacy of after-school and summer programs to enhance the overall levels of knowledge and achievement of students is pervasive.  GL2 conducts after-school and summer STEM programs in partnership with schools, churches, civic organizations, park districts, community colleges, and more.

These programs are designed in partnership with the client to provide a fun, substantive learning experience for the student in a safe, caring environment.  Programs typically run three or five days per week for two to three hours and include the Spy Club Curriculum, STEM materials, technology, the Journeys Map college and career awareness program, field trips, and more.

Summer programs run from six to ten weeks, three to six hours per day depending on the program needs of the client.  Morning drop-off and after-care may be provided for parents needing a longer day for their children.

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Building Capacity through Growth in Practice.